What Causes Heart Disease


What is heart disease?

Heart – is the most hard-working muscle of our body. It pumps 4 – 5 litres of blood every minute during rest. It supplies nutrients and oxygen rich blood to all parts of our body, including itself! Coronary arteries – surround the heart and keeps it nourished with blood.
Coronary Artery Disease
What is Atherosclerosis – what is coronary artery disease?

Over time, fatty deposits called ‘plaque’ build up within the artery walls. 
The artery becomes narrow. This is atherosclerosis. When this occurs in the coronary arteries, the heart does not get  sufficient blood, the condition is called coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease.

How Big is the Problem?

Coronary heart disease is the number 1 killer disease worldwide – 12 million deaths annually. During the last 30 years, large declines in developed countries due to rising health awareness and government programmes. Unfortunately, there is an alarming increase in developing
countries, especially India.

Why Me?

  • Genetics
  • Poor handling of fats and metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure
  • Environmental – urbanisation, sudden change in lifestyle

What Increases the Risk?

You Can’t Help It!

·  Age:

o   Men > 45

o   Women > 55

·  Sex

·  Race

·  Family History



You Can Help It!!

·  High Cholesterol

·  Smoking

·  High Blood Pressure

·  Diabetes

·  Obesity

·  Alcohol

·  Physical Inactivity


Cholesterol (A Type of Fat)

Everybody needs cholesterol, it services a vital function in the body and it circulates in the blood. Too much cholesterol can deposit in the arteries in the form of plaque and blocks them. There are no symptoms until you suffer a heart attack!

Where does it come from?

There are two main sources of cholesterol:

  • The food we eat – all foods containing animal fat and meat products
  • Made in our bodies

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