I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong ……………

Screen Shot 2016-11-30 at 15.44.08.pngAs Anger Awareness Week draws to a close, here at CareShield we've been wondering whether anyone has been fortunate enough to avoid conflict all together? We can't believe anyone has, especially when we considered all the difficult situations - both at work and at home - that we've found ourselves caught up in. 

Many of us work with challenging patients who perhaps suffer from aggressive forms of dementia – and as a result have to deal with difficult situations through no fault of our own.  But often, we forget we can be part of the problem and that usually there are two sides to every story.

The aim of Anger Awareness Week is to identify anger as an issue which needs to be addressed effectively,  helping people befriend anger by using the right tools to calm themselves down and to deal effectively with this emotion, be it of their own or that of others.  This is especially true, both in the run up to, and over Christmas.

As part of Anger Awareness Week, the British  Association of Anger Management have created an innovative Keep Your Cool Over Yule Kit, which can be used by individuals, organisations, families, schools and other groups. It consists of anger management activities, as well as tips on handling anger appropriately and calming strategies for defusing difficult situations. The kit helps people to think about how they handle their own anger and how they could improve their anger management skills - which may be needed by even the most even-tempered of us over the Christmas break.

Or  if your issues are in the workplace, why not learn the mind and skill sets of Conflict Resolution on one of CareShield’s specialist courses for a more in-depth understanding? Call the team to discuss how improving your understanding of defusing and resolving conflict can really improve your personal growth and development.