10 tips for supporting people during a heatwave

Weather reports are telling us to prepare for a mini-heatwave next week with highs of up to 29°C on Thursday! Temperatures over 30°C trigger a health alert in the UK. People who use care and support services can be particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses and dehydration, including:

  • Elderly people, especially those over 75 years of age
  • Young children
  • People with mobility problems
  • People with diabetes, heart or respiratory conditions
  • People who may not be able to take appropriate action to cool themselves down, for example people with dementia
  • People on certain medications that affect the body’s temperature regulation


Here are our top tips for keeping cool and staying safe in unusually hot weather:

  1.  Stay in the coolest parts of the building.
  2. Keep curtains on windows closed while the temperature outside is hotter than inside
  3. Wear thin, loose clothing.
  4. Drink more fluids, but avoid tea, coffee and alcohol. We recommend cold foods such as salad and fruit, which have high water content.
  5. Take a cold shower or bath or spray yourself with a cool water mist.


What to do for somebody who is suffering in the heat:

  1.  Check on vulnerable people you know perhaps twice a day, especially if they live alone. Ensure they are drinking enough and are keeping cool.
  2. Signs a person is too hot include headaches, breathlessness, dizziness, drowsiness or confusion, chest pains or cramps that don’t go away.
  3. Take action to cool the person down, for example with cold, wet flannels and/or move them somewhere cooler, and ensure they drink plenty of water.
  4. Do not give them aspirin or paracetamol
  5.  If symptoms persist for more than 1 hour seek medical help.


For more detailed help for managing a health or care environment during particularly hot weather, consider taking a look at this document from the Met Office: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/429627/Heatwave-Advice_for_Health_Professionals.pdf